Master Commander Thomas McCrystal of the Orange County Chapter formally opened the Assemblage, and took great pleasure in knighting and introducing his new Cadre Officers to the crowd.
Mr. Craig Schisler of American Wine & Spirits was inducted into the order as a Master Knight and was selected to represent his fellow inductees to pass the Ritualistic proofs of water and the wine. At first he seemed concerned and confused, however, after the test commenced, not surprisingly, Master Knight Craig represented his fellow inductees with honor and grace. |
New knights inducted into the Orange County Chapter were: Ronald Anderson, John Artim, John Beaney, Michael Brewer, Thomas Egan, Walter Havekorst III, Niles Herron, Donald Hill, Jeffery Hipshman, Robert Kraus, Bernie Labowitz, James McIntyre, Michael Nuanes, and Herbert Steel. New Gentle Ladies inducted were Cynthia Hill, Gay Mulgrew, and Judith Velesquez. |
John Resich, the Grand Cupbearer of the Brotherhood, who is 85 years young, was quite ill earlier in the day, insisted to his wife Hildi that he needed to attend and participate at this Assemblage. He did, and a heartfelt thanks for making such a supreme effort and lending such dignity to the occasion. |
With no additional business, the formal portion of the Assemblage was closed. A Champagne Reception honoring our new Chapter, Knights and Gentle Ladies immediately commenced in the foyer. Afterwards, all celebrants were then heralded by French horn to the beautiful Portola Room for an exquisite dinner created and prepared under the professional direction of Executive Chef Michel Pitton of the Four Seasons. |
During dinner our Medieval Minstrel entertained all by roaming from table to table singing, taking requests, and having celebrants participate with him in merriment and song. Upon his announcement of departure the crowd cheered him for his outstanding performance and contribution to the evenings festivities. |
John Ortego, who flew in from Moscow, Russia to attend, poses with Bernie and Marcia Lobowitz.
After his departure the Doc Rock Band (7 local medical doctors who have played together the past 16 years as a hobby) got everyone on their feet to dance the night away until 1:00 in the morning! |
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