All dressed up.  Let's eat!

All dressed up. Let's eat!


Future Knight for Oct 6?<br>Jun and Wife Ann, Diane and John Artim.

Future Knight for Oct 6?
Jun and Wife Ann, Diane and John Artim.

Mike and Linda Brewer, Gary and Lindsey Borkowski, Scott and Sharon Duffner.

Mike and Linda Brewer (left side),
Scott and Sharon Duffner (right side),
Gary and Lindsey Borkowski (on ends).

Brent and Tamara, Jun and Anne, Howard and Kay, Diane and John Artim.

Brent and Tamara,
Jun and Ann,
Howard and Kay,
Diane and John Artim.

Commander Tom McCrystal, Bill and Barbara Losee, Ron Holley and Date Vera.

Commander Tom McCrystal,
Bill and Barbara Losee,
Ron Holley and Date Vera.

Judy Velasquez, guest Grace Lynn and Marshal, Karen and Larry Powell, Mike and Mary Nunans, Dave Velasquez.

Judy Velasquez,
Guest Grace Lynn and Marshal,
Karen and Larry Powell,
Mike and Mary Nunans,
Dave Velasquez.

Lindsey Brewer, (another future Gentle Lady), Mike and Mary Nuanes, Mike Brewer, Gary Borkowski, Scott and Sharon Duffner.

Lindsey Brewer, (another future Gentle Lady),
Mike and Mary Nuanes,
Mike Brewer, Gary Borkowski,
Scott and Sharon Duffner.

Linda Brewer and Sharon Duffner<br>Future Gentle Ladies (Oct 6th).

Linda Brewer and Sharon Duffner
Future Gentle Ladies (Oct 6th).

John Artim, Sharon Duffner, Kris McCrystal, Tom McCrystal and Mike Brewer.

(from left) John Artim, Sharon Duffner,
Kris McCrystal, Tom McCrystal and Mike Brewer.

Gary Borkowski

Our host, Gary Borkowski.
The clambake was at Gary's home in Newport Beach.

(Pictures by Kris McCrystal)

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